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Check Twice

Save a Life




Mike "Slicky" Garner

LEGACY 24 Foundation Mission Statement


The LEGACY 24 Foundation brings bikers together to promote motorcycle awareness and build relationships.  We aim to educate others about motorcycle safety and support the needs  of the community through fundraising.


Mike (“Slicky”) Garner


The LEGACY 24 Foundation was founded in memory of Mike (“Slicky”) Garner. Sadly, he was suddenly taken from us on October 21, 2017 at the very young age of 24 years old, due to a tragic motorcycle accident. The Legacy 24 Foundation is dedicated to promoting motorcycle awareness. This is done by promoting “Check Twice - Save A Life” to educate the public to be aware that Motorcycles Are Everywhere, as well as to educate newly licensed and experienced riders the importance of safe riding. 


Michael enjoyed life to its very fullest. Put a smart phone camera on Mike and there would be a 70% chance that a tongue would be sticking out at you (followed by a laugh). Michael had a unique personality -


Mike "Slicky" Garner

there wasn’t an evil bone in his body. In almost any speech given about a lost friend or loved one, everyone will tell you that the departed was a good person. We could bore you with the same old details but let’s not do that. “Slicky” sinned - but not in a bad way. He would never deprive anyone of a good time or try to put anyone down (that is a fact). His passion was Motorcycles. He also loved boats and doing all outdoor things.

“Slicky” road motorcycles, drove tall trucks (while blaring pop country music) and never gave a hoot about what anyone thought of him (unless it was his parents). When you met “Slicky” for the first time, you would never have guessed he was in his twenties. He was a man who had his life together. Mike worked full time, purchased his own home at 20 years old and had a personality as if he had been here amongst us for many “adult-aged” decades. If you needed a hand or help with anything (especially automotive related), Mike would be there in a heart-beat. When an opportunity to do something fun, like dressing up as a leprechaun on the back of a motorcycle in a St. Patrick’s Day Parade or play the role of Uncle Sam in the 4th of July Day Parade, Slicky was quick to jump on the job.


Mike “Slicky” Garner was not a son or friend that you’d find every day. Michael’s dedication to family and friends is unparalleled to almost anyone you know.  He was a very caring person and was extremely giving of his time when it came to volunteering - especially if it came to anything related to our military. The Legacy 24 Foundation strives to meet the high standards that Michael lived in his short life. The foundation is not only dedicated to Motorcycle Awareness, it is also dedicated to people in need. That was exactly who Michael was - whatever you needed, he would be there to help out in any way possible without hesitation. That is what the Legacy 24 Foundation strives to be.




Slicky’s Crew is made up of friends and family members of Michael’s, dedicated to preserving his memory through events and fundraising. The number of hours they put in to run the events, especially the Motorcycle Run, is staggering.


Slicky's Crew

Slicky's Crew

© 2024 by LEGACY 24 Foundation

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